Lesson #10: Break Habits > Get $$$

Challenge: Email Sequences That Sell (click here to view all course contents)

Hey, it’s me again!

This email is all about breaking habits.

When you broke one of your own habits before, you know it’s gosh darn hard…

To change something you believe in order to create new patterns in your life...

But the process of breaking a habit is something you won’t forget easily!

It changes your perspective about something entirely. 

In this email, we’re going to break your readers' habits.

We’re going to debunk something they believe about a particular topic in your niche.

Some examples of common misconceptions and myths:

  • Carbs make you fat (health niche).
  • Quality products and services sell themselves (marketing niche).
  • More money makes you happier (‘making money’ niche)

Debunking these myths in an email and explaining the science behind it will make you look like a leader...

… like someone who knows what he’s talking about.

Especially when you send it to people who have never been exposed to this information before.

They will think you’ve taught them something new and cool.

These emails are very important.


When you take the time to educate your readers, they’ll come to trust you and the way you work.

Especially when you write multiple emails about a variety of misconceptions in your niche.

This will lay a strong foundation.

The main idea behind these emails is to challenge people’s current perceptions and beliefs.

You teach them that the things they always believed in can also be done differently.

One important note to keep in mind:

Back it up with scientific evidence, otherwise they’ll think you’re some kind of guru that only believes in his own truth. 

And that’s not trustworthy at all...

You want people to trust you and the things you have to say.

And when they trust you, they will keep following you.

This will ultimately lead to a strong relationship between you and your readers, which will bring in a lot of $ for you.

Click on this link right here to see an example!

Marketers who send these emails usually have 1 thing in common:

They have built their businesses from the ground up to where they are now...

… by earning people’s CREDIBILITY and TRUST.

I hope you get the message

It worked when these guys started their businesses, and it still works today!

Trust me on that 😉

OK so tomorrow…

We’re going to create the autoresponder I told you about last week!

And there’s some other exciting thing I’m going to teach you tomorrow…

But you’ll have to wait and see!

Wishing you a great day!
