Squeeze Page Funnel Explained

This is a squeeze page. The only goal of a squeeze page is to get somebody to give you their email address. These pages have very few other distractions. Often times, I won’t even put a logo on the page or any complicated footers or extra links. The #1 secret I found to get the highest conversion rate on a squeeze page is to use a curiosity-based headline. Then they have to put in their email address and click “submit” to figure out the answer to the question. The better the curiosity, the more likely they are to give you their email address. When I use a squeeze page, I’m usually going after a new audience so I don’t use a lot of branding. I’m focusing on curiosity to get them to opt-in. Then, on the next pages in the funnel is when I’ll start introducing my branding, videos, etc.


Step 2: Select Your Squeeze Funnel Templates

Step 3: Model 6-7 Figure Squeeze Page Funnel Templates